Signature authority to sign applications, reports, plans and other documents for submission to the Kansas Department for Aging and Disability Services (KDADS).
Recommended Action: Approve the signature authority and authorize the Chairman to sign.
Each year, the Kansas Department for Aging and Disability Services (KDADS) requires Area Agencies on Aging in the State of Kansas to submit reliable evidence as to who in the organization's governing body is authorized to sign documents on the organization's behalf. This is a notarized affidavit of the Chairperson of the governing body, which identifies persons by their names and titles and/or positions who have been authorized by the governing body to sign documents on behalf of the organization.
Alternatives: The Commission, as the governing body, could decide to sign all documents that are submitted to KDADS or could allow staff to sign all documents.
Financial Considerations: N/A
Legal Considerations: The authority for this action is K.S.A. 19-101, et seq. The affidavit has been reviewed and approved by the Office of the County Counselor and the affidavit complies with the signatory authority requirements of KDADS. With regard to any contracts and grant applications / agreements, this affidavit only applies to the extent that the Board of County Commissioners, or their designee, has authorized approval for such contracts and grant applications / agreements. Approval is by simple majority vote.
Policy Considerations: N/A