Agreement between Sedgwick County, Kansas and the Kansas & Oklahoma Railroad, L.L.C. for the removal of the existing railroad crossings at Main Street and 295th Street West in Garden Plain, Kansas. District 3.
Recommended Action: Approve and authorize the Chairman to sign.
When a preventative maintenance project on a County road intersects with a railroad crossing, Public Works must coordinate the work with the Railroad. During the coordination process for work in Garden Plain, it was determined that two crossings can be removed and replaced with new pavement. This will result in a better ride and reduced maintenance costs for both the County and the Railroad. This agreement is required to formalize responsibilities for construction and maintenance.
Alternatives: N/A
Financial Considerations: None.
Legal Considerations: 23 U.S.C. §130 provides for federal funding of these improvements. The BoCC is authorized to make all contracts in relation to the property and concerns of the county under K.S.A. 19-101 fourth; and to perform such duties as required by law concerning roads under K.S.A. 19-212 Ninth. This contract is similar in terms and conditions to prior contracts approved by the BoCC for this purpose.
Policy Considerations: N/A