Presented by: Jeannette Livingston, Assistant Director, Sedgwick County Developmental Disability Organization.
RECOMMENDED ACTION: Receive and file.
Project SEARCH is a business-led collaboration that enables young adults with disabilities to gain and maintain employment through training and career exploration. Sedgwick County has partnered with Wichita Public Schools for Project SEARCH for five years. The students participate in three, ten-week internships in various county departments to gain real world job skills. Sedgwick County Divisions that hosted an intern this year included: Aging, COMCARE Medical Records, Exploration Place, Finance, Print Shop, Records Management, SCDDO and the Zoo.
The interns graduating this year are:
James A. Benjamin
Jordan Craft
Yohana Tekie
Lauren Kruse
Alivia Berlin
A come and go reception is occurring immediately after in the County Board Room. All are welcome to come meet the interns and wish them well as they start their careers.
Alternatives: N/A
Financial Considerations: N/A
Legal Considerations: N/A
Policy Considerations: N/A
Outside Attendees: Project SEARCH teacher, job coach, interns and their families, as well as County supervisors who participated during the year.